2025 Best of Business voting closes Feb. 24

Hello, readers, Voting in our 2025 Best of Business Awards has been so popular that we decided to extend it through Monday, Feb. 24.

The Best of Business Awards promote excellence in innovation, entrepreneurship and leadership in the Region's business community. Our program is an opportunity for our readers to come together and celebrate the very best of the best in Northwest Indiana and Michiana.

Our website, BestOf.NWIndianaBusiness.com, features 30 awards in seven distinct categories in two regions: Northwest Indiana and Michiana. Vote for your favorite restaurant for business entertaining, meeting sites, and caterer, golf course and photographer for events, among many others.

Readers are allowed to vote in each category once a day. Winners will be announced on our websites, NWIndianaBusiness.com and MichianaBusinessNews.com, later in March. The list of winners will be published in our April-May issue.

We do require you to sign in to the site using your email address to make sure only real people vote in our annual survey. Google addresses work best.

Our survey provides readers the opportunity to acknowledge local business leaders who are excelling in their service to the community.

If you would like to subscribe to our weekly newsletter, which highlights the top five business stories on NWIndianaBusiness.com each week, sign up here.

We thank you for your interest in our annual survey and look forward to sharing the winners with you in our April-May issue!

Sincerely, Heather Pfundstein, publisher and executive editor


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